
Dinsdag 26 September 2017

English Posts

Hallo all!!

I have very exciting news for my English readers!

Since I am trying to expand my blog a bit, I've decided that, from now on, I am also writing my posts in English.  I know that the translation button is available on my blog, but lets face it, it doesn't really take the word order thing very seriously.  And that can get a bit confusing!
English is also the most universal language (that I'm able to speak anyway) and it will hopefully help me to gain a few readers and even followers.

please follow me by clicking on the button on the right

Over the next few weeks, I will be going back over my archives and translating some old posts シ

I'd very much like to have your opinion on this.
Would you like to see new English posts posted separately the next day?
Or at the bottom of my Afrikaans posts, to keep everything together?
Please leave a comment below to let me know your preferences.

Also, plz follow me on Bloglovin'
It is such a nice way to keep up with all your favorite blogs.
If you've never heard of Bloglovin', then I have this helpful post to tell you all about it!

Hope to see you back here soon!

Best Wishes

2 opmerkings:

  1. Ek sou sê jy moet die afr en engels op dieselfde blog sit, sit bo-aan in engels dat die blog in engels is op die end van die blog xxx

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